Thursday, September 12, 2019

The IMC Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The IMC Plan - Assignment Example The present research has identified that IMC plan for Connecting Link (TCL) depicts the product as unique with superior attributes for the consumer (educators). Equally, the product conveys an image of creativity since it is designed for two categories of consumers namely, the K12 and those of ages 29-40. This essay discusses that the plan indicates that the product is readily accessible and affordable. The buyer can reach the product from anywhere, at any time and can afford it. The IMC plan addresses the consumer behavior in numerous ways, which include highlighting the actions of consumers towards the price and quality of the TCL when making decisions on the appropriate PD providers. The author has rightly presented that comparison of price over quality is one of the attributes of consumer behavior exhibited in the IMC plan. The researcher states that the educators tend to choose a PD or CE that is relatively cheaper and accessible. For the case of marketing communication channels , Richard Khanbabians presents numerous ways of advertising in the TCL IMC plans, which use diverse channels. Marketing is aimed at increasing demand and push clients towards appreciating the TCL products. This paper illustrates that the TCL IMC plan involves the Channel partner Unique Reseller Discount in marketing communication. Through the TCL trade promotions, the partner channels are able to create consumer demand

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