Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Martin Luther And The Protestant Reformation - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 757 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/08/13 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Martin Luther King Essay Protestant Reformation Essay Did you like this example? Martin Luther was born in Eisleben in November fourteen eighty three. He was born into a wealthy family. He was a German monk who began the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century, and became one of the most influential and controversial figures in Christian history. Luther questioned f the basic foundations of Roman Catholicism, and his followers split from the Roman Catholic Church to begin the Protestant Church. Martin Luthers parents, Hans and Margarethe Luther, were peasants. However Hans had some success as a miner, and in fourteen-eighty four the family moved from Eisleben to nearby Mansfeld, where Hans had mines. Hans Luther knew that mining was a tough business and wanted his son to have better than he did: He wanted him to become a lawyer. At age seven, Martin Luther went to school in Mansfield. At fourteen Martin Luther went north to Magdeburg, where he continued going to school. In fourteen-ninety eight, he returned to Eisleben and enrolled in school. He was studying grammar, rhetoric and logic. He later compared this experience to purgatory and hell. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Martin Luther And The Protestant Reformation" essay for you Create order In fifteen-eighteen, Martin Luther entered the University of Erfurt, where he received a Master of Arts degree in grammar, logic, rhetoric and metaphysics. At this time, it seemed he was on his way to becoming a lawyer. On October thirty-first in the year fifteen seventeen Martin Luther nailed his ninety five theses on the church of All Saints. With this act he declared war upon the roman catholic church. He protested the pope, and the selling of indulgences.   The Roman Catholic was furious and sought to silence the Reformers.   Luthers main problem with the catholic church was Indulgences, which would lessen the impact of, or pardon, a person from his or her sins. In theory, indulgences were given to persons   by the church on the contingency that the recipient carried out some form of good work or other specified acts. In practice, indulgences could be bought. This practice was heavily abused by the church, when they began relying upon their sales of indulgences   as a way of gaining money, especially to pay for expensive building projects.   When Martin Luther went to visit Italy, Pope Leo X posted new indulgences for the funding of the reconstruction of the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome. This enraged Luther that popes were so open in asking the public to literally pay for their sins in return for a clear conscience.   I also disagree with indulgences. No one can be fully rid of their sin. Some religions believe that you have to repent to their God or gods to be forgiven and must turn away from this sin or sins. The soul is not under Caesars power, he wrote. He can neither teach nor guide it, neither kill it nor make it alive. This breakaway was monumental for new religious revolutions. With this other forms of religion began to sprout. Eventually, new churches rose from the Reformation, forming four major sects of Protestantism: Luthers followers started the Lutheran Church, Calvins followers started the Reformed Church, John Knoxs followers started the Presbyterian Church in Scotland using Calvinistic doctrine, and, later on, Reformers in England started the Anglican Church. Luthers revolt inspired other religious leaders in cities outside of Germany; Strasbourg, Geneva, Basel, and Lucca. In Zrich Huldrych Zwingli, a Swiss leader of the Reformation, persuaded the city council and a large part of the population to accept a full program for the strict observance of the Gospel. Priestly celibacy was done away with. Baptism and the Eucharist,the Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. were still celebrated as sacraments, but the belief that during the Mass the bread and wine actually turned into the body and blood of Christ was abandoned. In Zurich Huldrych Zwinglis view, the Eucharist became a symbolic ceremony in remembrance of Christs sacrifice. Sacred music was prohibited, and paintings in churches were destroyed. An armada of preachers was chosen to go out into the city and foment this rebellious new way of teaching. The Church eventually acted to stop the act of rebellion . In October fifteen-eighteen, at a meeting with Cardinal Thomas Cajetan in Augsburg, Martin Luther was ordered to recant his ninety-five theses by the authority of the pope. Luther said he would not recant unless scripture proved him wrong. He went on, stating he did not consider that the papacy had the authority to interpret scripture. The meeting ended in a screaming and his excommunication from the Church.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized - 2018 Words

Same-Sex Marriage Legalization in United State of America – Is Legalized Same-Sex Marriage Inevitable? Yiran (Evelyn) Hou University of Minnesota Twin Cities Same-Sex Marriage Legalization in United State of America – Is Legalized Same-Sex Marriage Inevitable? Since the first same-sex marriage occurred in United States in 2004, the issue of gay people’s rights to get married emerged to the surface. Since then, multiple states have put forward their policies of gay marriage successively. Time has changed as the gay life style becomes more accepted by society--fourteen states have passed the law legalization of gay marriage, such as Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut. From 1988 when Baunach’s research (2012) showed a lot of â€Å"strongly disagree† attitudes towards same-sex marriage to 2009 when the ice cream producer Ben Jerry’s temporarily changed the name of their best-selling Chubby Hubby ice cream flavor to Hubby Hubby in order to celebrate their home state Vermont’s decision to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples (Wettstein Baur, 2015), these steps provide a huge impact towards the people of the United States and their attitude to accept changes, but it still remains unclear as to whet her same-sex marriage legalization has a positive impact on the society. This paper will discuss popular opinions and research studies about the positive and negative sociological impacts on same sex couples. What Happened Before Same-Sex Marriage WasShow MoreRelatedShould Same-Sex Marriages Be Legalized?. Same-Sex Marriages2063 Words   |  9 PagesShould Same-Sex Marriages Be Legalized? Same-sex marriages should be illegal because the increase of marriages with the same sex has aroused conflicts in society, affects on children, and religiously. Therefore one must halt the proposal. The history of homosexuality has a lot of stories to tell, however, the beginning of it all would begin shortly and oddly. On the Western contemporary concept of homosexuality would relatively currently be considered new during the day of time. Ideas of homosexualityRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized . The Same Sex Marriage1723 Words   |  7 Pages Same sex marriage should be legalized The same sex marriage has been widely debated in many countries for a long time. It is an important issue because it concerns basic moral and human rights. People all over the world come to the United States in search of freedom and equality. Being able to marry anyone, no matter the gender, is a freedom of right, but if that freedom of right is taken away from people than there is no equality. Homosexual peopleRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized926 Words   |  4 Pageshave misunderstood the meaning of marriage. Marriage is not just a term to describe relationship that are precious to us, it’s more than just a union of heart and mind; it’s an institution between a man and a women. biblically, marriage is a life time union of a man and a women, primarily for the purpose of building a family and providing a stable environments for that family (1 Corinthian 7:2 16) According to Peter Sprigg, same sex marriage should not be legalized because of its immediate and long-termRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized1361 Words   |  6 PagesSame sex marriage has been the topic of an ongoing controversial debate in many countries for a long time now. This is an important issue because it concerns the basic principle of human rights and basic morality. Same sex marriage should be legalized; it is a violation of human rights, there are many misconceptions of same sex individuals, and allowing same sex marriage to be legalized would provide a boost to the economy. There are many misconceptions of homosexual people. A common myth is thatRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized1562 Words   |  7 Pages~ Busse Same-Sex Debate Essay ~ Ever since the time when America studied family values and focused on healthy and important influences, marriage was considered to be between man and woman holding a physical and spiritual bond between each other, not between man and man and woman and woman. Some may see marriage as between two people of the same gender, or what is known as same-sex marriage. This form of marriage became popular in the U.S. during the 1960’s and 1970’s due to the urge of legalizationRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized898 Words   |  4 Pages2015 same sex marriage was legalized in all fifty states. Many arguments have come around about if homosexuality is genetic or if its chosen. Many people think either way and there aren’t many people who are in between thinking that homosexuality is chosen or not. The song â€Å"Same Love† by Macklemore was released in 2015 when all of the media slowed down about homosexuality and after same sex marriage was legalize d. So when Macklemore released this song more attention came to same sex marriage. ThisRead MoreShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?1372 Words   |  6 PagesThe â€Å"date which will live in infamy† just had a child! As of June 26, 2015, same-sex marriage was legalized in all 50 states of America by the Supreme Court from a ruling that barely passed by a 5-4 vote. Wait a minute. Back up. Do you mean to tell me that boys can marry boys now? That girls can marry girls? That it’s legal?! Wake up America! Do you even realize what you have done? You have given gay people the right to marry. To marry! Who in their right mind would give gay people that cherishedRead MoreShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?945 Words   |  4 PagesShould Same-Sex Marriage Be Legalized? Regardless of color, ethnicity, culture or religion, marriage has been and always have considered to be a man and a woman. This concern has been a debating and a hot topic currently in the United States p olitics, it is prohibited in a majority of the nation till the President have pass the law for same-sex marriage. With this question, I feel that same sex marriage should not be legalized, but it cannot be banned. I sense that a marriage is intensely betweenRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized972 Words   |  4 PagesSame sex couples have been waiting for same sex marriage to be legalized for many decades. According to Ken LaMance, â€Å"One of the first documented challenges to same-sex marriages occurred on May 18th, 1970, where two men applied for a marriage license in Heppenin County, Minnesota† (LaMance). Their request was denied because they felt marriage should be between a man and a woman. Civil Unions were the first step in legalizing same sex marriage. Civil Unions were introduced in 2000 in Vermont. CivilRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized910 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriages also know, as gay/ Lesbian marriage is marriage between peop le of the same sex either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting. In the late 20th century. Religious rites of marriage without legal recognition became increasingly common. In the 21st centuries various types of the same-sex unions have come to be legalized. As of 26 June 2015, eighteen countries; Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway

Monday, December 9, 2019

Expanding material flow cost accounting - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Expanding material flow cost accounting. Answer: Introduction Cost accounting, popularly referred, as costing is the mechanism of capturing organizationsincurred cost in production. This identifies cost incurred in different steps of production (Schaltegger and Zvezdov 2015). This further includes the costs incurred in other activities of the organization, which includes services. Costing of an organisation can primarily be divided into three sections that are direct costing, indirect costing, and overhead costing (Zuberbieret al 2014). Costs incurred by the company, which can be related to a specific cost object are referred as direct costing. Some example of this cost products can be product, raw material, equipments departments etc. (Carli and Canavari 2013). Indirect cost the other hand is beyond the direct cost and does not supplement in production of any goods. Thiscost incurred is related to the services being provided by the company. Example of this type of costing can be telephone bill, house rent etc. that are indirectly by the compan y or maintaining their operation. Overhead cost and indirect cost are interred and overlapping. This is the ongoing expense of operating business (Drury 2013). Accountants in a business organisation can use various costing methods for accounting their costs. These methods are traditional costing, activity based costing and time driven activity based costing. These methods of costing are implemented in a bushiness organisation depending on the nature of the business. Organisation Background TPG Telecommunication Limited is Australias leading telecommunication service provider both within and outside the domestic boundary. The company was established in 1986as Total Peripheral Group in the Australian market ( 2018). They later expanded outside of the Australian boundariesand acquired many small telecommunication providers such as IntraPower, iiNet, PIPE Networks and some over their venture over time. The companybecame 4th mobile operation in the Singapore marketin2016 ( 2018). The company has positioned themselves as fast, reliable cost effective communication service providers in the market. They attribute the people, products, network assets and innovation as the driving factor in the organization for attaining this position in the market. The company in their product portfolio provides a wide range of products to their diverse customers. They offer different products for the personal use, small business organisations, large corporate enterprises, and wholesale customers according to the need of individual customers ( The products and services offered by the company for their diversified range of customers are ADSL2+, NBN,FibreOptic andEnternet broadband access, telephony services, Internet Protocol Television, SIM only Mobile plans andvarious business networking solutions. The company has established a self-owned end-to-end network infrastructure. This icorporaates 400 DSLAM enabled telephone exchanges across Australia, extensive metropolitan an inter-capital fibre optic networks and international PPC-1 submarine cable that connects Australia and Guam with onwards connectivity to Asia and USA ( The ownership of carrier grade voice, data andinternet network infrastructure and self-mainte nance makes them capable of delivering exceptional performance across different level of the organisation. This further facilitates them in taking responsibility in the services offered to the customers.The self-owned infrastructure further enables them to enjoy greater profit margin while providinglow costservices totheircustomers. About TDABC Popular costing method activity based costing, which is widely incorporated by various organisations is the proposer of Time-driven Activity based costing. Failure of activity based costing is gave birth to the modified version of costing mechanism. TDABC can be considered as the modified version of ABC, which focuses on time instead of activity of an operation. Kaplan and Anderson developed TDABC, which potentially decreases the amount of data needed (Kaplanet al 2014). The costing method has minimizes the parameter into two and requires estimating of the two factors that are cost time per unit of capacity and unit time of activities. The first approach involves estimation of the practical capacity of the resources supplied as a percentage of theoretical capacity. In other words, this helps the managersin identification of actual time given by individual employee in the organization (Au and Rudmik 2013). It identifies the gap between the actual and the theoretical time allotted for a particular task, and later identifies the resource utilized for the identified time. After estimating the overall time required per activity and it is costing, the unit time per activity helps in identification of time taken for performing per activity (Au and Rudmik 2013). This helps in identifying the actual time taken for performing a particular activity by the employee. Features of TDABC The primary features that increases the efficiency of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing are as follows: It reduces the time consumed in the process of costing by removing the need of subjective, interview and survey process for defining the resource process. The only variable used in TDABC is time, which can be gain using direct observation method, hence, making other lengthy processes irrelevant. It uses time equation in accounting the complexity in business process that reflects the time consumed for particular task. This further eliminates the need for multiple tracking activity in accounting. Reduces the processing time that was necessary for undergoing data review from the ERP system. Maintenance and update of capital cost rates and unit time estimation is easier in TDABC. This became possible using time equation. The time unit provide greater accuracy in representation of capacity compared to the traditional Activity-Based Costing. ABC method tends to represent overestimation of the cost of performing activities, which results into less accuracy in capital usage. Other benefits of using TDABC is that it helps eliminating the monthly personal survey and multitude transaction processing that was both time consuming and hectic for an accountant (Stout and Propri 2011). Difference between TDABC, Active Based Costing and Traditional Costing Traditional costing, Activity Based costing and Time Driven Activity Based Costing serves the same purpose in business accounting, however, largely varies from each other in the process. These methods are used for allocating indirect costs to products. These different methods of costing are used for estimating the overhead cost of a production and in assigning the costs to products based on the cost-driver rate. According to Mahaland Hossain (2015) the traditional costing is simple in nature and provides less accurate data, while compared to Activity based costing and time driven activity based costing. Traditional costing assigns overhead costs to products depending on the arbitrary average rate. Whereas, ABC costing is comparatively complex and considered to provided greater accuracy as identified by Rundora, Ziemerink and Oberholzer(2013), which relates indirect cost with the activities and later assigns them to products after evaluation of the products usage of the activity. TDAB C on the other hand relates the costing with the time consumed for the activity. Time consumed per activity helps in identification of the costing per unit. This is considered to provide greatest accuracy in the costing process as proposed by ker and Ad?gzel(2016) and helps reducing the complexity of the ABC system. Traditional Costing Traditional costing as narrated by Drury (2013) relate cost to product basing on the predetermined overhead cost. The overhead cost in traditional costing is treated as a single pool of indirect cost. This costing system is considered optimal when direct cost is greater than indirect cost. The traditional costing system being oldest of the three incorporates multiple steps in the costing process. They are: Identification of the indirect cost incurred by the organization Estimation of the indirect costs over a particular period Selection of cost driver with a casual link to the cost Estimation of the amount required for the cost driver for the particular period Calculation of the predetermined overhead rate Application of overhead to the products according to the predetermined overhead rate. Predetermined overhead rate is considered equal to the estimated overhead cost divided by the estimated cost driver amount. The primary benefits of traditional costing as stated by Drury (2013) are the simplicity and easier applicability. However, the limitation of the system in providing accurate information reduces its applicability in business organization. Activity Based Costing ABC on the other hand as stated by Estampeet al (2013) prioritizes activities associated with production before assigning cost to the activities for determining the cost of the product. The steps involved in ABC system are: Identifies the activities associated in the production and groups together in the activity pool Further analysis of the activities involved for eliminating the systematic inaccuracy Next step involves the cost assignment to the activity pool depending on the derived data from the former steps Calculation of the activity rate is the analysis of the activity in terms of real value. Each of the activities are put under currency value for identification of the overhead costing This step of ABC system assigns cost to the final product depending on the cost calculated over activity, pools, and rates. Final step is to evaluate the conciseness and coherence of the object cost. Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing This costing system focuses on time placing the activity in the second position in the importance chart. The primary concern is to prepare accurate time based algorithm that helps in cost identification (Ozyurek and Din 2014). The process involves: Estimation of the cost per unit of capacity Estimation of unit time per activity Deriving cost-driver rate depending on the above identification Cost assignment for the final product Applicability of TDABC on TPG Telecom The ABC model that is currently used by a large number of organization produces large amount of data of activities and drivers. This is both expensive and storage consuming, which requires greater hardware and software capacities (Damjanovski 2013). In addition, implementation of ABC system potentially increases costing of the company. The TDABC will considerably reduce the cost and consume less capacity in TPG telecommunications hardware and software. Besides the fact, the ABC is incompatible in constant updates for accommodating changing circumstances (Damjanovski 2013). TDABC on the other hand provides the company an opportunity to accommodate the change as it is necessary to operate in the international market with this wide range of product line as offered by TPG. The proposed TDABC method marks out the idle capacity of the resources and removes its integration in the costing, in which the tradition ABC system fails. However, this is not applicable for TPG as they do not suffer of considerable over-size or idle working time of the network equipment due to the nature of the industry it belongs (Damjanovski 2013). However, there is some variation regarding the traffic-basedutilization of specific switches and base stations in the telecommunication network. However, this situation is considered as normal in the industry and shall not be considered as unused capacity. However, TDABC can be implemented in case of headcount of the company. The traditional ABC system has the potential to work in the local level minimizing its applicability in the wider section (Damjanovski 2013). Size of TPG provides opportunity for the implementation of TDABC. Moreover, TPG being international organization requires TDABC for addressing their global operations. Reviewing the above aspects, the necessity for implementing TDABC in TPG is limited and the company can gain limited advantage in using TDABC. Though, this will help the company save significant cost incurred from implementing ABC and will also provide efficiency accounting their international business. Hence, implementation of TDABC will be beneficial for the company. Conclusion It is possible to draw conclusion from the above discussion that the efficiency of TDABC is greater compared to the other costing system discussed in the report. TDABC provides greater accuracy regarding the data due to the use of time unit and time equation in identification of the possible overhead cost. Moreover, this costing system found to be less time consuming compared to ABC system that integrates multiple number of process in determination of overhead cost. TDABC helps the organizations reducing time of costing by eliminating the steps used in ABC system. The report further identifies its greater efficiency in the manufacturing industry. It is easier to identify the overhead costing in the manufacturing industry due to the clear visibility of the production process and the nature of the product being delivered to the customers. However, this becomes difficult in implementing the costing system in service industry similar to the one of TPG Telecommunication as the production process and the tangibility of the products is less in the field. Though implementation of TDABC will bring limited benefits for the company, it has potential benefits in the saving cost for the company and help accounting for their widely spread international business. Reference Au, J. and Rudmik, L., 2013. Cost of outpatient endoscopic sinus surgery from the perspective of the Canadian government: a time?driven activity?based costing approach. InInternational forum of allergy rhinology(Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 748-754). Carli, G. and Canavari, M., 2013. Introducing direct costing and activity based costing in a farm management system: A conceptual model.Procedia Technology,8, pp.397-405. Damjanovski, S., 2013. Applicability of Activity-based Costing and Related Management Tools: The Case of IPKO Telecommunications LLC: Master's Thesis (Doctoral dissertation, S. Damjanovski). Drury, C.M., 2013.Management and cost accounting. Springer. Estampe, D., Lamouri, S., Paris, J.L. and Brahim-Djelloul, S., 2013. A framework for analysing supply chain performance evaluation models.International Journal of Production Economics,142(2), pp.247-258. Kaplan, R.S., Witkowski, M., Abbott, M., Guzman, A.B., Higgins, L.D., Meara, J.G., Padden, E., Shah, A.S., Waters, P., Weidemeier, M. and Wertheimer, S., 2014. Using Time?Driven Activity?Based Costing to Identify Value Improvement Opportunities in Healthcare.Journal of Healthcare Management,59(6), pp.399-413. Mahal, I. and Hossain, M.A., 2015. Activity-Based Costing (ABC)An Effective Tool for Better Management.Research Journal of Finance and Accounting,6(4), pp.66-74. ker, F. and Ad?gzel, H., 2016. Time?driven activity?based costing: An implementation in a manufacturing company.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,27(3), pp.39-56. Ozyurek, H. and Din, Y., 2014. Time-Driven Activity Based Costing.International Journal of Business and Management Studies,6(1), pp.97-117. Rundora, R., Ziemerink, T. and Oberholzer, M., 2013. Activity-based costing in small manufacturing firms: South African study.Journal of Applied Business Research,29(2), p.485. Schaltegger, S. and Zvezdov, D., 2015. Expanding material flow cost accounting. Framework, review and potentials.Journal of Cleaner Production,108, pp.1333-1341. Stout, D.E. and Propri, J.M., 2011. Implementing time-driven activity-based costing at a medium-sized electronics company.Management Accounting Quarterly,12(3), p.1. 2018.About TPG - Company Profile. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Tartuffe Adaptated to a Movie Essay Example

Tartuffe Adaptated to a Movie Essay Kayla Benson 11/25/2010 World Lit II Giles The Tartarus Invasion Director- James Cameron James Cameron has directed many great films including Aliens, Titanic, Terminator series, and the recent box office hit Avatar. He has already directed a space themed movie (Aliens) as well as numerous action movies (Terminator, Avatar). Cameron has impressive work with special effects and with computer graphics as seen in Avatar. As a bonus he has experience with 3-D, so if desired my film could be in 3-D. Cast Inquisitor Xavier (Tartuffe)- Tim Curry Tim Curry is a versatile actor, capable of comedy and straight face acting. His facial structure also lends him to be capable of creepy faces and innocent faces. That’s why he is perfect for this role. He can seem innocent to those he needs to deceive and yet have this underlying sneaky atmosphere around him. Governor Dantes (Orgon)- Brendan Fraser Brendan Fraser is another versatile actor. He has been seen as an action actor in his role as Rick in the Mummy series, but in Bedazzled and George of the Jungle he played a goofier role. I believe Fraser will be able to act deceived 100% but then later be 100% upset about the situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Tartuffe Adaptated to a Movie specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tartuffe Adaptated to a Movie specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tartuffe Adaptated to a Movie specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Also because of his action movies he will be able to perform any stunts needed. Darius The Governor’s Assistant (Dorine) Paul Bettany Paul Bettany played Silas in The Da Vinci Code and also Geoffrey in Knights Tale. Playing Geoffrey he was both quick witted and humorous and as Silas he did some action and sneaking around. This will make him great for a quick witted assistant that can make fun of the governor without the his knowing. Zaine a Governor Advisor (Madame Purcell)- William Atherton William Atherton was in Die Hard and Die Hard 2. In both movies he was a haracter that believed himself to be right no matter what anyone else said. That is why he would be good as an advisor that believes the inquisitor is correct and even after the Governor himself sees the truth and Zaine still doesn’t believe him. Captain Furion (Damis)- Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman is a popular action actor. He played Wolverine in the X-men series and Van Helsing in the movie Van Helsing. In his roles he has had to get quite upset at one character or another. Therefore he is experienced in being a hot headed character. Chaplain Kelvar (Cleantes)- Erik Avari Erik Avari has been in an advisory role in Mr. Deeds and The Mummy. Therefore he could easily play another advisor. He could be a voice of reason for the movie and it would be believeable. Grey Knight Grandmaster Cervantes (King/ officer)- Michael Duncan Michael Duncan has played many action roles. He is naturally larger than most other actors and is very built. This makes him perfect for the ultimate authority in the movie. His deep voice is also authoritative giving him an even tougher facade. Duncan was in Armageddon, Scorpion King, and Whole Nine Yards. In all these movies he was a tough guy, so he will be able to play my film’s tough guy very well. Plus his sheer size makes him perfect, he doesn’t need his armor to be bigger than everyone else. Space Marines(Other characters) Space Marines will serve as the filler characters. There are 6 space marines and all of the actors chosen for these roles have proven on the screen to be tough guys. Space Marine Vincent- Sean Bean- Was in Lord of the Rings as Boromir and in National Treasure as Ian (the bad guy). He is a tough guy in both and I believe he would make a tough Space Marine. Space Marine Damian- Russell Crowe- Was in Gladiator, 3:10 to Yuma, Master and Commander, and Robin Hood. In all of these movies he was the toughest guy in the films. He will be a great Space Marine. Space Marine Tristan- Daniel Craig- Is the newest James Bond. Was also Lord Asriel in Golden Compass. Another tough guy actor, plus he is buff without his armor. Space Marine Martin- Gerard Butler- He was Leonidas in 300, Beowulf in Beowulf amp; Grendel, and Attila in Attila the Hun. This guy’s movie history just screams tough guy. Space Marine Octavian- Tyler Mane- Is Ajax in Troy. He is another big guy that is also tough seeming. Space Marine Mathew- Nathan Jones- He has been in a couple movies as the really big guy you don’t want to mess with. He is very buff and one of the guys that wouldn’t necessarily need his armor. Chaos God Voice- James Earl Jones or Christopher Lee Jones’ voice has been used for many films including Lion King and Star Wars series. He has a nice rich tone that is comforting and could probably convince people to do something they might not normally do. Lee’s voice is also deep. He is Saruman from Lord of the Rings and Willy’s dad in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He also has a rich voice with a slightly dark tone to it. Plot Summary Planet Tartarus has been invaded by Chaos forces. Governor Dantes has sent a request for Space Marines and the Tempest Knights were called to answer his plea. Because of the importance of Tartarus to the Imperium Inquisitor Xavier is sent with the chapter. Once the Tempest Knights arrive it is discovered that the Chaos forces are trying to open a rift in the warp to allow daemons access to the materium. Inquisitor Xavier believes that the only way to save the planet is by opening a certain portal that will supposedly channel the daemon’s power to a different area disallowing them the ability to exit the warp. But in actuality it will open the rift to allow the daemons to come through. This is the first time we see that the Inquisitor has been tainted by Chaos. Also we see Governor Dantes believing the Inquisitor no matter what anyone else says along with his advisor Zaine. Captain Furion yells and argues with Inquisitor Xavier but sense the Inquisitor is a higher rank there is nothing the Captain can do. Chaplain Klevar keeps his head and tries to reason with Inquisitor Xavier but it still doesn’t work. Shortly before the Inquisitor can open the â€Å"portal† Grey Knight Grandmaster Cervantes shows up with his retinue of Grey Knight Terminators. Grandmaster Cervantes is â€Å"top dog† for any events that occur with daemons and tells Inquisitor Xavier that opening this â€Å"portal† will actually allow the daemons to invade the planet with ease and that he can’t allow him to do that. The Inquisitor doesn’t believe him and goes to open the â€Å"portal†. Grandmaster Cervantes realizes what the Inquisitor is about to do and shoots him with his plasma pistol. As Inquisitor Xavier is dying he manages to finish the last ritual required to open the â€Å"portal† and the rift opens. The Inquisitor dies and the Tempest Knights and Grey Knights must fight the daemons and the other Chaos forces while trying to reclose the rift. After a long and bloody battle the Space Marines are finally triumphant and save Tartarus from certain destruction. There are many ways The Tartarus Invasion differs from the original version. One of them is that there is no romance and the â€Å"back stabbing† is not for money. Also the Inquisitor really believes he is correct but yet it still being hypocritical. The ways that The Tartarus Invasion are similar are that the Governor really believes in the Inquisitor and tries to convince everyone else to believe him too. The Captain is the hot head that yells and argues forcefully while the Chaplain is the voice of reason that calmly discuses issues. Theme Analysis Scholars would write that The Tartarus Invasion was a good futuristic sci-fi movie with lots of action, blood, and good strong actors. Viewers familiar with Warhammer 40k would see that The Tartarus Invasion embodied all the main themes of the game. There are a lot of warriors on both sides with each side being very well trained. Cool weapons for all the warriors and big battles with deaths on both sides. Although the â€Å"good† guys don’t always win in the game I decided to make them win in my movie because most movies today end that way and I thought the mass audience would like that comfort. Adaptation Notes This movie is set in the 40th millennium on a planet called Tartarus which is very similar to Earth. In this time period most of the human planets are each run by one single person called a Governor with the High Lords of Terra above them to oversee them. All the Space Marines wear power armor which is made from ceramite plates and electrically motivated fiber bundles that replicate and enhance the movements of the wearer to give them extreme strength, speed, and endurance. This armor can protect them from some of the most deadly weapons and even the vacuums of space. Space Marines also carry around various weapons including power swords, plasma pistols, and bolt pistols. Power swords are kind of like light sabers of Star Wars with plasma pistols being just what they sound like; they shoot â€Å"bullets† of plasma that melt most obstacles. The bolt pistols shoot small missiles that will explode inside the victim causing a lot of internal damage. The Governor would be in ornate robes to show his status while his underlings would be in matching colors just not as â€Å"flashy†. The Governor would have a regular gun as he isn’t important enough to have the heavy weapons. The soundtrack would be a collaborated effort between John Williams and Globus. John Williams is a well know composer doing smash hit sound tracks such as the Harry Potter series, the Star Wars series, E. T. , Jaws, and the Indian Jones series. Mr. Williams has won many awards for his music some of them being Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and several Grammy Awards. Globus does a lot of the â€Å"dramatic† music in movie trailers and have written for films such as Harry Potter, Hell Boy, X-Men, and Pirates of the Caribbean. The language in this movie will be harsher and the tone is serious since it is a life or death situation. There are three main areas that will be used for most of the scenes in my movie one of them being in Governor Dantes office. This is where the situation about the invasion will be explained and the best course of action discussed. This is also one of the places Captain Furion will get upset and Chaplain Kelvar will try and calm things down. Another scene is on the Tempest Knights Thunder Hawk. This large space craft not only transports the chapter to where they are needed but it also serves as their quarters during ground missions. These scenes would have more arguing about the Inquisitors plans and more discussing about how to fix them. The third area would be on Tartarus’ surface. This would be the main scene where the â€Å"climax† action would happen. This is where the Inquisitor tries to open the portal and here the Grey Knight Grandmaster appears with his Terminator retinue to stop the Inquisitor. At the end of this scene is when Governor Dantes and Advisor Zaine discover that Inquisitor Xavier was in fact wrong. The music would be suspenseful and â€Å"active†. Since the daemons show up shortly the scene is very serious and gets quite bloody. The beginning of my movie would see the planet Tartarus peaceful and serine. Then you see ships surrounding the planet and drop pods landing. War beings as Chaos forces land to take over the planet. The scene would end with Governor Dantes calling for help from the Imperium. The ending of the movie would be with the Space Marines winning and the Chaos forces leaving Tartarus. Tartarus would be looking forward to a new look on life and trying to repair its broken cities and towns. Marketing Plan I would market my movie through the internet mostly on Games Workshop’s page, Mini War gaming, and then also on a page made for the movie specifically. I could also advertise in White Dwarf Magazine as many of the target audience reads this magazine. And of course as trailers on other movies of the same type. The target audience would be Warhammer 40k players as it is through this game that my movie is based off. My movie embodies all the 40k themes and concepts so the players would enjoy it tremendously. A few of the slogans of the trailer would be â€Å"For the Emperor! †, â€Å"We shall know no fear†, and â€Å"For Honor! For Glory! For Victory! † These saying are the frame work that is behind how the Space Marines think and any 40k player will recognize these sayings. The trailer will summarize the movie showing lots of action with the epic music of Globus blasting and the awesome slogans of 40k being shown also.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on BBC Vs CNN

The United States and the United Kingdom are the two leading, English-speaking countries in the present day. They are very similar countries in the fact that the majority of their population has a basic education and the economy of the country as a whole is strong. However, the leading news network of the United States, the Cable News Network (CNN), and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), differ immensely. Both claim to be â€Å"leaders of world news,† this however is not the case. If both news networks claim to be â€Å"world news† networks, then, if we turn on the television we should see world news. If you have ever watched CNN, especially recently during the wars in the Middle East, you will probably notice the extreme amount of coverage dedicated to solely the planning inside the Pentagon and the White House and all of the information that is circulating about the United States. Sure, this news has to deal with the US’s actions about the issues in Iraq, but what does the other eighty-five of the world population think? Nationalism is a great political tool, but, I do not think that it should take place in â€Å"world news.† If CNN is appeal to the world why should it be throwing Americanisms and American ideas into the minds of the world? On the other hand, BBC is known for its stiff neutrality and fair play in the world news department. BBC’s news reports do not just remain with the ideas or events that are enclosed by their national borders. It leaves an open ear to the world and delivers all the important stories to the people who watch BBC for the very thing it promotes itself on, world news. The differences are made quite clear even if you were to look at the websites that represent the news entities. The CNN website is filled with ads and unnecessary promotion of commercial advertisers. However, the BBC site remains clear and concise presenting just the news and only the news. As a final point I will bri... Free Essays on BBC Vs CNN Free Essays on BBC Vs CNN The United States and the United Kingdom are the two leading, English-speaking countries in the present day. They are very similar countries in the fact that the majority of their population has a basic education and the economy of the country as a whole is strong. However, the leading news network of the United States, the Cable News Network (CNN), and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), differ immensely. Both claim to be â€Å"leaders of world news,† this however is not the case. If both news networks claim to be â€Å"world news† networks, then, if we turn on the television we should see world news. If you have ever watched CNN, especially recently during the wars in the Middle East, you will probably notice the extreme amount of coverage dedicated to solely the planning inside the Pentagon and the White House and all of the information that is circulating about the United States. Sure, this news has to deal with the US’s actions about the issues in Iraq, but what does the other eighty-five of the world population think? Nationalism is a great political tool, but, I do not think that it should take place in â€Å"world news.† If CNN is appeal to the world why should it be throwing Americanisms and American ideas into the minds of the world? On the other hand, BBC is known for its stiff neutrality and fair play in the world news department. BBC’s news reports do not just remain with the ideas or events that are enclosed by their national borders. It leaves an open ear to the world and delivers all the important stories to the people who watch BBC for the very thing it promotes itself on, world news. The differences are made quite clear even if you were to look at the websites that represent the news entities. The CNN website is filled with ads and unnecessary promotion of commercial advertisers. However, the BBC site remains clear and concise presenting just the news and only the news. As a final point I will bri...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Merry Wives of Windsor - Theme Analysis

The Merry Wives of Windsor - Theme Analysis The Merry Wives of Windsor is a real romp of a Shakespeare comedy and is characterized by a feminist theme throughout. The women of the play win over the men, and the poorly-behaved Falstaff is made to pay for his treatment of women. In The Merry Wives of Windsor, theme is incredibly important, as our analysis reveals. Theme One: Celebration of Women The premise of the play is that wives are permitted to be strong, spirited and merry. They can lead full and vivid lives and can simultaneously be virtuous and faithful to their husbands. Ironically the women are the most morally righteous having been accused by Ford of adultery his wife cures her husband of his jealousy. Meanwhile Anne teaches her father and mother about marrying for love as opposed to status. Theme Two: Outsiders The Merry Wives of Windsor is one of Shakespeare’s most Middle Class plays. Anyone coming from outside that social structure or from outside the confines of Windsor are viewed with suspicion. Caius is from France and Sir Hugh Evans has a welsh accent, both are mocked for their pronunciation and their point of difference. Both Shallow and Slender’s   high minded pretentions in relation to the monarchy are mocked. Aristocracy is resented by many of the characters in the play. Fenton is penniless but high born. He is not considered to be worthy of Anne because of his background and his supposed desire for Anne’s money. Falstaff has become the town’s scapegoat due to his financially motivated plans to seduce the two mistresses. The town’s opposition to his links with aristocracy are evident in their support of Falstaff’s humiliation. However, this divide between the aristocracy and the middle classes is reconciled with the union of Anne and Fenton. Falstaff is encouraged to dress as one of the Mistresses Aunts and is beaten by Ford. Not only humiliated by tranvestisism but also beaten down by a man. This echoes the elopement of Caius and Slender at the end of the play who are paired off with two young boys who they mistakenly believe to be Anne. This hint at homosexuality and cross dressing also threatens the middle class world that is created in and is against the norm of a romantic wedding that forms the conclusion of the play. In the same way that financially orchestrated marriages and adultery also threaten the normality of Middle Class existence. Having said this, the cross dressing in the play where Caius and Slender are paired off with two young boys is paralleled with the fact that Anne would have actually been played by a boy in Shakespeare’s time and so the audience have had to suspend their disbelief in the same way that Caius and Slender were willing to. Theme Three: Jealousy Ford is desperately jealous of his wife and is willing to dress in disguise as ‘Brooke’ to catch her out. She teaches him a lesson by allowing him to believe for a while that she is cheating. She eventually lets him in on the plot to humiliate Falstaff and he realizes the error of his ways. That said, we are unsure as to whether Ford really is cured of his jealously. He is apologetic at the end of the play but he now knows that no one is in pursuit of his wife any longer. Equally Falstaff is jealous of the wealth enjoyed by the Fords’ and the Pages’ and he sets out to destroy them by ruining their marriages and their reputations. He is taught his lesson by the women in the play and suitably humiliated but not completely shunned as he is invited to join in with the revelry. Jealousy is treated in the play as a thing to be cured by humiliation. Whether this is a successful tactic remains to be seen. As a moral leveler, the Pages’ are taught a lesson by their daughter and the middle classes absorb the outsiders in the spirit of inclusivity despite their initial resistance. The idea of acceptance and inclusivity reign at the end of the play.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Student Strip Search Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Student Strip Search - Term Paper Example The missing thing according to Justice David H. Souter "was any indication of danger to the students from the power of the drugs or their quantity, and any reason to suppose that Savana was carrying pills in her underwear. (Barnes)." In a dissenting note, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that Judges are not qualified to second-guess the best manner for maintaining quiet and order in the school environment (Barnes). He said that the school officials were logical in searching the school girl. The issue in this case was whether a 13-year-old student's Fourth Amendment right was violated when she was subjected to a search of her bra and underpants by school officials acting on reasonable suspicion that she had brought forbidden prescription and over-the-counter drugs to school. It was held that the search did violate the constitution because there were no reasons to suspect the drugs presented a danger or were concealed in her underwear. The official who ordered the search was also granted immunity from liability because the constitutional position of the Fourth Amendment was not clear at the time of the search. Facts of the case The case began when Marissa, another student was found with prescription-strength ibuprofen and said she received it from Savana. The facts of the case occurred in one October day in 2003 at 13-year-old Savana Redding’s math class at Safford Middle School. The assistant principal of the School, Kerry Wilson, came into the room and asked Savana to go to his office. Wilson then showed Savana four white prescription-strength ibuprofen 400-mg pills, and one over-the-counter blue naproxen 200-mg pill, all used for pain and inflammation but banned under school rules without advance permission (Safford Unified School Dist. No. 1 v. Redding, 129 S. Ct. 2633 - Supreme Court 2009). He then asked whether Savana knew anything about the pills. She said that she had no idea about it. Then Wilson told Savana that he had received a report that she was giving ibuprofen pills to fellow students. Savana said she didn’t. She also agreed to let Wilson search her belongings. An administrative assistant also came into the office, and together with Wilson they searched Savana's backpack. They did not find any ibuprofen pills. Wilson then asked the administrative assistant to take Savana to the school nurse's office to search her clothes for pills. Helen Romero, the administrative assistant and the nurse, Peggy Schwallier, asked Savana to remove her jacket, socks, and shoes, leaving her in stretch pants and a T-shirt (both without pockets), which she was then asked to remove. Finally, Savana was told to pull her bra out and to the side and shake it, and to pull out the elastic on her underpants, thus exposing her breasts and pelvic area to some degree (Safford Unified School Dist. No. 1 v. Redding, 129 S. Ct. 2633 - Supreme Court 2009). But no pills were found. Savana’s mother argued that strip search is in violation of Sav ana's Fourth Amendment rights. Savana's mother filed suit against Safford Unified School District 1, Wilson, Romero, and Schwallier for conducting strip search. The school officials raised the defence of qualified immunity. The District Court for the district of Arizona granted the motion on the ground that there was no Fourth Amendment violation, and a panel of the Ninth

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The concept of science fiction in cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The concept of science fiction in cinema - Essay Example Additionally, all paths are never equal because the path completed last presupposes the other paths. The paths are also not equal given that the path completed last is the least hypothetical. The above rules of the game represent the salient features of cinematographic storytelling. According to Cornea, the forking-path movies are based on the seven forking-path conventions (170). The assertion that forking paths are clear is symbolic and it indicates that life is a risk because man is faced with diverse and unprecedented events on a daily basis. Some of the occurrences could end man’s life inadvertently. This notwithstanding, the movie, The Matrix movie, shows that it is possible for an incident to be analyzed to an extent that its proximate cause and the possible effect is established.2.The least compelling idea from the course reading is that scholars ought to spend long hours exploring a single idea instead of balancing on the tie top allocate to many phenomena in life. Th e tradition is flawed and must not be adopted by any learner because it is counterproductive in entirety. For instance, the film shows the significance of understanding much on eye behavior with regard to cinematography. There is a need for the characters to understand on the mode of eye contact to maintain the course of action in a movie. The eye behavior of the actors enables the audience to understand the plot and the flow of the this regard, the tradition is relevant with regard to movie quality.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Performance Measurement Essay Example for Free

Performance Measurement Essay Nowadays, businesses operate in an uncertain environment and the managers can never know what will happen in the future (Arnold, 2005). Meanwhile, the economic crisis has turned that world upside down; it is a change for ever. The global economy was changed during the past two decades; because of globalization, the firms are not only trade or invest in the company’s domicile, but also trade or invest in other countries. Then management will face a lot of business risk in global economy. There are many different way to define risk; simply, risks are opportunities to be seized. Risk management identifies risks with new opportunities to increase the probability of positive outcomes and maximize returns. The aim of this essay is identify the global challenges and risks and analyze the techniques available to financial managers to deal with risk when trading or investing in countries outside of the company’s domicile. In the structure, firstly evaluate the current global economic situation and what is the challenge in this global economic situation. Secondly, identify the risks do companies face operation in uncertain global economy. Finally, it will consider and analyze the techniques available to financial managers to deal with risk when trading or investing in countries outside of the company’s domicile. Outline of this essay, It is no doubt that today it is a globalization, however, due to the global economic crisis in 2008, the global economy is uncertainly and unstable. According to Arnold (2005) businesses operate in an uncertain environment and the managers can never know what will happen in the future. The global economy is divided into several situations.The one is low-income countries which CNI per capita of less than $936 and these countries have such serous social, political problems and economic that they represent limited opportunities for operations and investment. The next one is lower-middle-income countries which with a CNI per capita between $938 and $3705, such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The consumer markets countries are increasing rapidly. Then is the upper-middle-income countries which with CNI per capita between $3706 and $11455, Such as Chile, Malaysia, Venezuela. In these countries, they have strong education systems and high literacy rates, although wages are still significantly lower than in the advanced countries, it is rising rapidly. The last one is high-income countries which with CNI per capital higher or equal $11456. Such as Japan, Sweden, United States, Germany. (Keegan, Creen. 2011) However, the most representatives of current global economy situation are UE, USA, China

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Michael Jordan is Not God Essay -- essays research papers

Michael Jordan is one of the most well known people in the world. Whether it’s on the basketball court or on television, Michael Jordan is seen everywhere. Children see him and â€Å"wanna be like Mike.† Parents see him and believe he’s the ideal role model. This is the person everyone sees and adores. However, nobody sees his character off the court and off of television. I believe that his off the court behavior shows his true self. I’m not accusing Michael Jordan of being Satan; I just don’t believe he is the god that everyone makes him out to be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everybody knows the story. Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team so he worked twice as hard and finally made it. People look at this and believe that hard work ethic will earn you success in whatever you do. He then went on to attend the University of North Carolina where he helped the Tar Heels become national champions. At this point people thought Michael Jordan was the real deal, but some were still skeptical. Finally he was drafted into the NBA where he won six championship rings. No one was skeptical anymore. Everyone looks at his on the court success and believes he is the greatest player to ever play the game. For those who don’t watch sports, they see him on commercials and see him drink his Gatorade, wear his Hanes underwear, show off his new shoes, and spray his cologne. The fact of the matter is that Michael Jordan has become a household name in America. Many feel he rep... Michael Jordan is Not God Essay -- essays research papers Michael Jordan is one of the most well known people in the world. Whether it’s on the basketball court or on television, Michael Jordan is seen everywhere. Children see him and â€Å"wanna be like Mike.† Parents see him and believe he’s the ideal role model. This is the person everyone sees and adores. However, nobody sees his character off the court and off of television. I believe that his off the court behavior shows his true self. I’m not accusing Michael Jordan of being Satan; I just don’t believe he is the god that everyone makes him out to be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everybody knows the story. Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team so he worked twice as hard and finally made it. People look at this and believe that hard work ethic will earn you success in whatever you do. He then went on to attend the University of North Carolina where he helped the Tar Heels become national champions. At this point people thought Michael Jordan was the real deal, but some were still skeptical. Finally he was drafted into the NBA where he won six championship rings. No one was skeptical anymore. Everyone looks at his on the court success and believes he is the greatest player to ever play the game. For those who don’t watch sports, they see him on commercials and see him drink his Gatorade, wear his Hanes underwear, show off his new shoes, and spray his cologne. The fact of the matter is that Michael Jordan has become a household name in America. Many feel he rep...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

America’s Change in Industry and Technology in the Early 1800s Essay

America’s ideas and beliefs have been changing over centuries of mistakes and experiments. This is the way that we formed our own government, made the right choices in subsequent decisions, and how we exhibit what kind of country we are to the rest of the world. Our nation evolved more quickly following several inventions that may seem simple or obvious in retrospect. One of America’s biggest eras of change was in the early 1800s. Jobs were moving from farms to factories. Transportation was turning certain cities into hubs of industry. The dependence on slaves was increasing on the Southern plantations. During the early 1800s, new technology and industrial methods changed the way people in America made a living. Key inventions that impacted American industry included factory production and Eli Whitney’s concept of interchangeable parts. These innovations led to mass production of manufactured items. Machine-made components, unlike parts that had been crafted individually, could replace each other in a product. Even unskilled workers could make these parts. Because of this, products became more plentiful, less expensive, and easier to repair. Cloth also became a mass-produced commodity. The thread-spinning water frame and the cloth-weaving power loom were invented at a time that people were giving up on farming the poor soil of the Northeast. In addition, steam engines and water mills increased production and decreased cost of the factories that employed townsfolk and financed cities. All of these beneficial results made manufacturing more lucrative than working on a farm. The abundance of products being made during this era called for a more efficient method of distribution. American cities developed as centers for manufacture and trade. New roads and a system of canals were built to carry the products to distant markets. Steam engine locomotives also became an important means of transportation for goods and people. Industry and housing for its workers were built around the ports and train stops. America’s expansion of transit helped cities develop as economic centers. Once the factory system became the successful business model, city life became the norm. People started to work in the artificial environment dictated by their tasks. Most people no longer woke up to the sound of the rooster signaling them to milk the cow and collect the eggs. Instead, they worked set hours in a factory, earning a regular income. However, large factories and shipping companies needed more than just manual labor. They also employed foremen, supervisors, and watchmen to keep the business secure. As a result of this division of labor, people could work more efficiently. Not every innovation was benign. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin (short for engine), which prepared cotton faster and more efficiently than by manual means, made selling cotton to the textile factories in New England even more profitable, but at a cost. Unfortunately, the increased demand for cotton by Northern factories escalated the need for slaves in the South to pick and supply larger quantities of raw materials. A negative result of the invention of the cotton gin and its role in the Industrial Revolution was that in just twenty years, the slave population rose from 697,897 to 1.2 million. Slaves and their sympathizers were hurt and upset by this growing injustice. From the start of the Industrial Revolution, new methods of production changed the jobs, income, and environment of the average American worker. Interchangeable parts, steam power, and the factory system increased production, decreased cost, and stimulated the growth of cities and transportation. America developed cities full of workers and transportation routes loaded with products. Manufacturing supported the Northern economy, while the South was still reliant on slave labor. Life in America changed greatly in the early 1800s with the country’s advancement from farming and simple trade to a modern, consumer-based economy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Final Project

Final Project Part 2(Worth 20% of your grade) Student Name: James Keys Class/Section: CMIS 102 Professor Name: Jose Romero Assignment due date: 11/4/12 // Which State. cpp #include â€Å"stdafx. h† #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 0; int found = 0; int count=0; float sum; float average; int age[10]; string name[10]; string Find_State = â€Å"†; string state[10]; string state_abbr[10]; bool okay = true; do { cout << â€Å"Enter the family member's name. Type ‘done' when complete. ;lt;;lt; endl; cin ;gt;;gt; name[count]; if ( name[count] == â€Å"DONE† || name[count]==†done†) { okay = false; break; } cout ;lt;;lt; â€Å"Enter family member's age† ;lt;;lt; endl; cin ;gt;;gt; age[count]; cout ;lt;;lt; â€Å"Which state is † ;lt;;lt; name[count] ;lt;;lt; † from? Type in CA, NY, TX, VA, VT? † ;lt;;lt; endl; cin ;gt;;gt; state[count]; if ( state[count] ==  "CA† || state[count] == â€Å"ca†) { state[count] = â€Å"California†; state_abbr[count] = â€Å"CA†; }else if (state[count]==†TX† || state[count] == â€Å"tx†) { state[count] = â€Å"Texas†; tate_abbr[count] = â€Å"TX†; } else if (state[count]==†VA† || state[count] == â€Å"va†) { state[count] = â€Å"Virginia†; state_abbr[count] = â€Å"VA†; } else if (state[count]==†NY† || state[count] == â€Å"ny†) { state[count] = â€Å"New York†; state_abbr[count] = â€Å"NY†; } else if (state[count]==†VT† || state[count] == â€Å"vt†) { state[count] = â€Å"Vermont†; state_abbr[count] = â€Å"VT†; } else { cout ;lt;;lt; â€Å"I don't understand!! † ;lt;;lt; endl; count–; } count++; } while (okay || count ! = 10); char yn=' ‘; do { cout << â€Å"Do you wish to list people living in a certain state? << en dl; cin >> yn; if ( yn == ‘Y') { cout << â€Å"Enter the state abbreviation : â€Å"; cin >> Find_State; for (x=0;x<count;x++) if (state_abbr[x] == Find_State) { cout << name[x] << † lives in † << state[x] << endl; found++; } if (! found) { cout << â€Å"Couldn't find anyone living in the state of † << Find_State << â€Å". † << endl; } } else if ( yn == ‘N') cout << â€Å"Okay, we'll continue on!! † << endl << endl; break; } while (yn ! ‘Y' || yn ! = ‘N'); sum = 0. 0; average = 0. 0; for ( x=0;x<count;x++) { sum = sum + age[x]; } average = sum/count; cout << endl << endl << â€Å"The average age of your family is † << average << † years old. † << endl << endl; cout << â€Å"The entered data was :† << endl << endl; for ( x=0; x < count ;x++) { cout << name[x] << † lives in † << state[x] << † and is † << age[x] << † years old. † << endl; } return 0;

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Katz V. The United States Essays - Privacy Of Telecommunications

Katz V. The United States Essays - Privacy Of Telecommunications Katz V. The United States The petitioner Mr. Katz was arrested for illegal gambling, he had been gambling over a public phone. The FBI attached an electronic recorder onto the outside of the public phone booth. The state courts claimed this to be legal because the recording device was on the outside of the phone and the FBI never entered the booth. The Supreme Court Ruled in the favor of Katz. They stated that the Fourth Amendment allowed for the protection of a person and not just a person?s property against illegal searches. The Fourth Amendment written in 1791 states, The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized (Galloway 214). The court was unsure on weather or not they should consider a public telephone booth as an area protected by the fourth amendment. The court did state that: The Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection. But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected...Searches conducted without warrants have been held unlawful notwithstanding facts unquestionably showing probable cause, for the Constitution requires that the deliberate impartial judgment of a judicial officer be interposed between the citizen and the police (Maddex 201). The FBI agents found out the days and times he would use the pay phone. The FBI attached a tape recorder to the outside of the telephone booth. The FBI recorded him using the phone six different times, all six conversations were around three minutes long. They made sure that they only recorded him and not anyone else?s conversations. Katz lost the case all the way up to the Supreme Court because the state courts and the Court of Appeals said there was no amendment violation since there was ?no physical entrance into the area occupied by the petitioner (Hall 482).? The Constitutional Fourth Amendment was looked at and analyzed very carefully and the Surpreme Court decided in favor of Katz with a seven to one vote. Strong arguments were brought to the stand, the Governments eavesdropping violated the privacy of Katz. ?The Fourth Amendment governs not only the seizure of tangible items but extends as well the recording of oral statements (Katzen 1).? The surveillance in this case could have been legal by the constitution, but it was not part of the warrant issued. Warrants are very valuable to make everything stated in the fourth amendment legal. The telephone booth was made of glass so he was visible to the public, but he did not enter the booth so no one could see him, he entered the booth so no one could hear him. A person in a telephone booth is under protection of the Fourth Amendment, One who occupies it, shuts the door behind him, and pays the toll that permits him to place a call is surly entitled to assume that the words he utters into the mouthpiece will not be broadcasted to the world. To read the constitution more narrowly is to ignore the vital role that the public telephone has to come to play in private communication (Katzen 2). But with all this evidence it was still fought that the surveillance method they used involved no physical penetration into the telephone booth. The Fourth Amendment was thought to limit only searches and seizures of tangible property. The decision of the court was seven to one and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the decision of the case. Mr. Justice Stewart concurred in his speech that, ...these considerations do not vanish when the search in question is transferred from the setting of a home, an office, or a hotel room to that of a telephone booth. Wherever a man may be, he is entitled to know that he will remain free from unreasonable searches and seizures (Katzen 4). Mr. Justice Stewart?s feelings on the case were that the use of electronic surveillance should be regulated. He thinks permission should be granted for the use of electronic surveillance. Mr. Justice Douglas, with whom Mr. Justice Brennan joined, concurred that ?The Fourth Amendment draws no lines between various substantive offenses. The arrests in cases of

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Should I Take a Gap Year 6 Reasons the Answer Is Yes

Should I Take a Gap Year 6 Reasons the Answer Is Yes SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Not excited about the idea of starting another year of school in the fall? What if you could instead take a break from school and spend a year backpacking around Europe, volunteering for a cause you care about, or getting paid to work on a cruise ship? With a gap year all those things possible! Have you heard of gap years but aren’t sure what they are?Do you know other people taking gap years but aren’t sure if they’re a good idea for you? What are the benefits of taking a gap year anyway?In this guide, I use my own gap year experience to explain the major benefits of gap year programs and why they’re such a great choice for many students. I end with some tips to ensure you get the most out of your own gap year. My Gap Year Experience By the time I finished my Master’s degree, I was 24 years old and burnt out from years of non-stop studying, writing papers, and taking tests. I was applying to all sorts of jobs, but I wasn’t excited about any of them.After years of spending all my time and energy on school, my life had become boring, and I felt like I was just going through the motions without actually enjoying myself or doing the things I cared about or was interested in. I kept going because I felt like I didn’t have any other choice than to jump straight from school to a career. One day, while scrolling through Facebook, I saw pictures posted by a friend currently traveling through Europe. She was on an around-the-world trip, and, while I’d scoffed when she’d told me she was quitting her job to travel, I had to admit that she looked happier than I did at the moment.Looking through her photos, I realized that that was what I wanted to be doing with my life: seeing new places, learning new things, meeting new people. Why couldn’t I do what my friend was doing? Maybe not quite as extreme as traveling around the world (I had students loans to pay off after all), but why couldn’t I change up my life and do something exciting? Why did I have to go straight from high school to college to grad school to a corporate job? I weighed the options for a few weeks, but in the end, choosing between taking a job I wasn’t interested in or spending a year having experiences I’d dreamed of having wasn’t a hard decision to make. I did some research and found that gap years are actually a fairly common experience in certain parts of the world. People who do a gap year can travel, get work experience, take a class they’ve always been interested in, learn a foreign language, do volunteer work, and more. Really anything you think is interesting or exciting could be the basis of your gap year. After looking at numerous options, I decided to spend my gap year teaching English at a high school in northeast France. I also had enough time on the side to volunteer at an environmental organization I was interested in.My parents and friends were largely supportive, but when I told my school advisor what I’d be doing, she was horrified. She told me I was making a terrible decision and warned me that not taking a job in the field I’d studied in would have a serious negative impact on my career. â€Å"Not to mention employers will think you look lazy,† she added. Those comments made me nervous, but I still felt like I was making the right decision. As a matter of fact, not only did I not torpedo my career, I came away with a host of new skills and a better idea of the kind of job I wanted, both of which made it fairly easy for me to find a job I was happy with once my gap year ended.More important though, was the fact that I finally felt like I was doing what I wanted with my life. I look back on my gap year now as one of the best decisions I’ve made, and many others who’ve taken gap years would agree. 6 Reasons To Take a Gap Year It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of taking a gap year, but you may also still have a lot of doubts about actually doing it. Your parents or teachers may also need some more convincing before they get on board with the idea of you taking a gap year. Whatever the case, here are six of the biggest gap year benefits. Read through them and you’ll see that a gap year can have all sorts of benefits for you academically, professionally, and personally. #1: It Can Boost Your GPA If you’re worried that taking a year off from school will cause your grades to suffer once you go back, don’t be! Studies of gap year students have shown that people who take a gap year actually get higher grades in college compared to their peers who don’t take a gap year. Why is this? There are several potential reasons. Many students, especially at those at risk of academic burn-out, benefit from taking a year off studying so they can return with more energy and motivation. Taking a gap year that relates to your future career can also help you get more excited about your studies so you’re more interested in your classes and motivated to do well. Planning and carrying out a gap year also often increases your organization skills, maturity, and confidence, all of which can help you do better in school once you return. If I could change one thing about my gap year, I would have done it earlier, either before I went to college or immediately after. By the time I took my gap year, I had been in school for nearly 20 years straight, and I spent the last year of my Master’s program just trying to get my work done as quickly as possible because I was so sick of school. Taking a gap year earlier would likely have helped me reset and go through grad school with more motivation and energy. #2: You Can Get Serious Work Experience A gap year is often a great way to get experience specifically related to the career you want. Many companies and organizations offer half-year or full-year internships or volunteer positions, but most people can’t do them because they are busy with school or work. This means these positions are actually often easier to get than many summer jobs, and since they’re longer you’ll have the benefit of gaining more experience and making stronger connections with the people you’re working with. This can mean better letters of recommendation and useful contacts when you’re trying to get a job later on down the line. If you spend your entire gap year working in the field you want to go into you’ll have experience that few other college students do. That can help set you apart in the future when you’re applying to jobs or grad school.By the end of my gap year, I had a full year of teaching experience, a year of volunteering experience at an NGO, and I had significantly improved my French skills. Any one of those could make me more qualified for potential jobs. #3: You’ll Gain New Skills You may not want to spend your gap year working in the field you plan on majoring in and getting a career in, and that’s also fine. Plenty of people choose to spend their gap year doing something they’d never have a chance to do otherwise, and the good thing is, you’ll still gain useful skills and knowledge, even if they’re not directly related to your future career.So if you’ve always wanted to learn how to survive in the wilderness, explore South America, work at a ski lodge, etc., this is the time to do those things. Also, you may end up using some of those skills in your future jobs, even if you didn’t think you would at the time. During my gap year, I learned all about the ins-and-outs of the French education system, which I thought was interesting at the time, but not something I’d ever need to know again.As it turns out, I later got jobs with a focus on international education, and many of the things I learned in France were still applicable for those jobs. So that information has been useful after all! #4: You Can Make Money This isn’t the case for all gap years, obviously, but if you decide to take a job or an internship during your gap year that pays, you could make a significant chunk of change during that year.Even if your job only pays minimum wage, you can still make about $15,000 in a year if you work full time, and you can put that money towards paying for school or another expense. If you choose to use your gap year salary to help pay for school, not only will you be able to take out fewer loans initially, but because your loans are smaller, they’ll accrue less interest than larger loans would. Student loan interest alone can easily total several thousand dollars by the time you graduate, so if you use your gap year job to pay for more of your school costs upfront, you’ll be saving money in two ways: by taking out fewer loans and by having less interest on those smaller loans. #5: You’ll Meet Tons of New People No matter what you decide to do during your gap year, you’re practically guaranteed to meet new people.Even if you already have great friends, a gap year is an excellent way to meet different kinds of people you wouldn’t normally come across. And in addition to expanding your social circle, you can even use these new friends as networking contacts if they work in a field you want a job in or know someone who can get you a job. Networking and finding useful career contacts is something colleges regularly encourage students to do, and you’ll be ahead of the pack if you start doing this during your gap year program. #6: You’ll Get a Better Idea of What You Want to Do Many students are reluctant to take a gap year because they worry it’ll put them â€Å"behind† their friends and peers, but that’s hardly the case.Taking a gap year can help you get a much better sense of what kind of career you actually want.This can save you years of time and tens of thousands of dollars in tuition money compared to graduating with a certain degree, taking a job in that field, and then realizing it’s not what you want to do with your life. When I was in college, I had lots of friends who wanted to be doctors. Only a fraction of them ended up graduating from med school; the rest realized medicine wasn’t actually the field for them. Many of them only came to this conclusion after graduating college with degrees in human biology, and a few even started med school before changing their career goals and dropping out. It’s not a guarantee, but these students may have had a much better idea of whether medicine was right for them if they’d spent a gap year working in a hospital or shadowing a doctor.Even if this put them â€Å"behind† for a year, it’s much less time and money lost compared to people who don’t discover until after college that they don’t like the career they got their major in and now need to find a different job or go back to school and get a new degree. Taking a gap year early on can actually put you ahead of a lot of your peers because you’ll have a better idea of what you want.Even though I spent most of my time during my gap year teaching English to French students, the part that I thought would be most useful for my future career was the volunteering I did at an environmental NGO since that’s the kind of career I thought I wanted.As it turned out, during my gap year I discovered I didn’t like that kind of work at all, and although it was somewhat alarming to realize I suddenly had to rethink my future, it was much better to figure that out earlier than after returning from the gap year, applying to a bunch of NGO jobs, getting one, probably moving somewhere new, and realizing I hated it. You could also go do a gap year in something you never considered a career in, love it, and end up deciding to get future jobs in that field. I have a friend who was majoring in engineering, but she spent a gap year working as a concierge in a hotel and ended up deciding to pursue a career in hotel management. You really only know if a certain career is a good fit for you after you try it out, and a gap year is a great, low-risk way to get that experience. 3 Tips For Planning a Great Gap Year In order to get all or many of the gap year benefits we just discussed above, you have to put some thought and planning into your gap year. Waiting until the last minute to figure how you’re spending the year could still lead to a positive experience, but in order to get the most out of your gap year, start your planning at least several months ahead of time (many of the most competitive jobs and internships have application deadlines around this time), and follow the three tips below. Figure Out What You Want to Accomplish During Your Gap Year The most important part of planning your gap year is to decide what your goals for it are.Do you want to travel? Earn some money? Volunteer for an organization you love? Gain experience in the field you want to go into? Start with your broad goal(s) for your gap year and gradually narrow them. If you want to travel where do you want to travel to? What do you hope to gain from traveling? Will you need to work to help cover your expenses?If you want work experience, what kind of places would you like to work at? Does it have to be paid, or can you do unpaid or volunteer work? What are you hoping to gain from the work experience? Something to put on your resume, professional connections, both?Keep asking yourself questions about what you want from your gap year until you have a solid idea of exactly what you’re hoping to get from it. Here’s the list I came up with for my gap year goals: Travel to new places Learn foreign language skills Get experience working for non-profits Make enough money to support myself After doing a lot of research, I decided that teaching English in France, while volunteering at a nearby non-profit, was the perfect way to meet each of those goals. Decide on Your Timeline and Budget Early On Figuring out what you want to do during your gap year isn’t the only important decision you’ll make. You also need to figure out early on how much time and money you can put towards your gap year. Most people spend an entire year on their gap year, but you may only be able to spend part of a year due to classes or work. Figure that out early on so you don’t end up applying to jobs or programs you can’t complete.Setting a timeline also ensures your gap year won’t stretch on indefinitely, a fear some parents have for their children. If you’re worried about your gap year going longer than you originally planned, having a firm end date set upfront can help you stick to your schedule, as can choosing gap year programs with their own end dates, such as visas that expire or classes that end after a certain number of months.When I got my job in France, my work visa was only valid for a year, which gave me a nonnegotiable deadline for when I had to leave. Budget is also important. If you’re going to be living with your parents during your gap year, you may have few or no expenses, but if your gap year includes travel and/or a program with admission fees, those costs could quickly add up.Again, figuring out how much you can spend on your gap year early on will reduce the chances of you finding a program or activity you love only to later realize it’s not in your budget.I had a bit of money budgeted for my gap year, but I also knew I’d need to get a job that paid me so I could cover my living expenses and begin paying off my student loans. Keep Yourself Busy If you spend your gap year working, say, ten hours a week at a job or volunteer position, that isn’t the best use of your time. You’ll have so much downtime that the experience will detract from your future college and work applications rather than enhance them.You want to make sure you’re spending your time productively during your gap year, which may mean taking more than one job or doing a combination of classes and work. You don’t need to exhaust yourself, but aiming for about 30-40 hours of work/classes a week is a good benchmark to set. This ensures you’re getting the most out of your gap year benefits and shows schools and employers that you’re a hard worker and who your time productively. My job as an English teacher only took up about 25-30 hours a week, so I used my extra time to take French classes, volunteer at an environmental organization, and travel around Europe on the weekends. Teaching English was the main purpose of my gap year, but filling my time with other activities helped me get the most out of my experience and gave me more to talk about when asked how I spent the year. Conclusion: Should I Take a Gap Year? Is a gap year a good idea? Gap years aren’t for everyone; some people are happy to stick to the path they’re on or can’t take a year away from work or school, and that’s fine. However, for many people, a gap year is a great way to do something you’ve only dreamed of doing, whether that’s traveling to a new part of the world, hiking the Appalachian Trail, working on a cruise ship, or whatever else you’re interested in. Some people dislike gap year programs because they feel students are too young to do them, or they think it’s more important for students to finish their education first and get some work experience before taking a year off. However, there will never be an easier time in your life to take a gap year. As you get older, things like student loans, mortgages, families, and jobs you don’t want to leave begin to pile up, making it harder and harder to achieve your goal of a gap year the longer you wait. Postponing your gap year can often mean it won’t happen at all, so take advantage of one of the few times when you can uproot your life and try something new without lots of things holding you back.Before I decided to take a gap year, I was worried I was going to mess up my life by not following the â€Å"plan† I was told was the way to success, but not only was my gap year a great experience, it put me in a better spot financially and professionally than I had been at before. What's Next? Have you decided to do a gap year?Get more information on how to find gap year ideas and start planning with our complete guide to gap years. Do you have the opportunity to study abroad in high school? This comprehensive guide discusses what it means to study abroad as a high schooler. Thinking about doing a volunteer abroad program?Read our guide to learnif volunteering abroad is really a good idea and what you should look for when selecting a program. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research Review for teaching strategies for reading using evidence Paper

Review for teaching strategies for reading using evidence based practices for special education students - Research Paper Example However, many educators have failed to recognize the importance of EBP in learning institutions. There are numerous students with varied disabilities; hence there is a need for experienced professionals to implement effective reading strategies for teaching. They can also engage parents in this intervention program in order to increase the performance level. This is because parents are the first primary caregivers and educators of the child; thus engaging them in the program will contribute to positive change. Therefore, the EBP should be matched with the unique needs of students and their skills; thus developing effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) for producing better learning outcomes. The themes in the research articles focus on reading instructions, developing fluency and vocabulary instructions for students with learning disabilities. Therefore, the study seeks to offer an insight on the research issues as to whether teaching strategies for reading using EBP is an e ffective approach for individual education students. It seeks to reveal the way educators can teach students to read, but  how well do  students with disabilities understand what they are reading? Educators can also help students with LD (learning disabilities) to think critically. However,  do they actually comprehend what the vocabulary words mean and talk fluent? Therefore, what can educators do in order to help these students to think critically, understand vocabularies and read fluent? The research employs varied methods such as questionnaires, surveys of the perception of students and standardized tests in order to determine how students can develop effective reading or improve performance learning skills. The results varied across students with learning disabilities, but the majority of the students showed improved reading comprehensive skills when employing EBP approach. Summary of Studies Article 1 Participants Stetter, M. E., & Hughes, M. T. (January 01, 2011). Compu ter Assisted Instruction to Promote Comprehension in Students with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Special Education, 26, 1, 88-100 reveals the way reading comprehension is significant. The article reveals the way students with LD strive to improve reading skills and many of them face numerous challenges in learning environment. Therefore, the article attempts to analyze whether the computer assisted instructions can help in promoting reading comprehension for students with LD (Stetter and Hughes, 2011). The authors carried out research through employing a single-subject and diverse baseline designed for achieving the desired outcomes. They employed varied methodologies such as surveys, standardized tests and daily questions in order to determine the way reading comprehension is valuable for achieving academic success. The study results revealed that computer assisted instructions could have influenced the reading comprehension of students with LD. The participants w ho participated in the research study were students from varied schools in the United States. Of these students, 90 % of them were from lower socio-economic background and the remaining percentage from high socio-economic class. The students with LD also participated in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Movie comment Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Comment - Movie Review Example If not, explain why 2. What are your thoughts about â€Å"liminal space† that connects black Americans with White American? 3. Give your comment after reading the paragraph. Different Interpretation â€Å"Love is blind†. This contention is another interpretation of the movie. Both Flipper and Angie are blinded with their love. This is evident in their romantic twist. An example of this is the choice they both made in their life to be with each other despite of their happy marriages. Risking the marriage for another woman or man shows that being in love is more important over others. They both sacrificed to hurt their families and for their families to ostracized them. Flipper was thrown by Drew out of the house while Angie was beaten and very much criticized by his father. Another example supporting that they are blindly in love is that they went on with their relationship despite their cultural differences. It is known during the 1990’s that black Americans and white Americans are rarely involve with each other because of some racial discrimination. Blacks are not so much accepted in white families. Apart from this, Flipper and Angie are open with their relationship that it is readily observed within their families and communities. They are not concern if they are caught with their affair because they are in love.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

PRINCESS DIANA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PRINCESS DIANA - Essay Example Being a free soul, she loved music and dancing. Also, she was quite fond of the popular culture and even after her divorce, later in 1982, she maintained her celebrity image amongst the masses. She was also deeply indulged in charitable causes including HIV AIDS, homeless and especially children with needs. Her leadership skills developed over time eventually and after consistent mentoring by Stephen Twigg, her personality transformed from that of a suicidal woman trapped in royalty to courageous women world stage performer. Furthermore, James Hewitt and Oliver Hoare turned out to be quite positive influence on her personality and helped her move forward. However, having met Hasnat Khan, she found a renewed sense of companionship and confidence in herself which transformed her leadership skills (Morton 1994). As a human being, Lady Diana was quite generous and kind. She was often found spending time in hospitals, old folk homes and various institutions. It is also said that her soul was dissatisfied and distressed, and devoting her time to Charity helped her with the healing process. She was also quite nurturing in nature as she spent a lot of time with her sons and taught them about the life outside the palace. Also, she reflected her celebrity image not just in Britain but also globally as she actively participated in charitable events around the globe including the Red Cross. During her marriage, she was acquainted to about 100 charities as Patron or President. She was also quite creative in character, and her interest and fascination with music led toward accomplishing various titles and awards. She motivated people by spreading a positive aura and sense of affection amongst others, especially the less well off. People responded with gratefulness and an even higher sense of affection toward her. Not only did they reciprocated her contributions with immense acknowledgement but also they gave her a very high