Thursday, September 26, 2019

Public schools of Washington DC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public schools of Washington DC - Essay Example It has three major objectives: Objective 1 The first objective is to ensure development of effective leadership within the development team of the program which would comprise of members from Woodson Foundation, Public School and NCPIE. Each organization has diverse interests but is united in its goal of improving students’ academic performance and learning. The leader should be able to motivate team members to develop common goals and collective decision making. The leadership therefore, becomes a major element that is able to empower members to make decisions based on informed choices and encourages cross cultural understanding and mutual respect. It thereby, exploits personal traits of the team members for optimal performance outcome. Objective 2 Teams perform best when adequate resources line finance, infrastructure, skill etc are available to them. Hence, leaders must ensure availability of resources. In this case, he must create two steering committees: one would oversee development of educational leaders, training and development and teaching curricula; the second would help to ensure management of the program vis-a-vis meet the financial and infrastructural need of the program. The team members should be judiciously selected so that team has technical expertise and managerial skill to identify problems and evolve solutions through mutual consensus.

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